Wednesday, April 22, 2009

easy to judge...

I suggest that all of you look in to your self first and than later start to judge somebody else...and if you are christian people like you say than do not judge...and dont say that you love me because you dont even know what is dont even understund it...otherwise I would not have to write this...but can go back into your box and dont come out just for judge people...come out to help them...I decided that I will quit from this christianity staff its not like the bible say...its not like in the Dts told us...its a lie everything exept the bible...but everybody so proud about how mutch and how good he knows from the bible but nobody put in practice...


Anonymous said...

say whatever you want!! everybody knows you!! we can ask every person you know in Mexico and they think the same, the day you we're late night and the ambulance took you to the hospital, that day we all prayed for you!! you don't understand Mexico and people, its good that y ]ou try to help but you just don't like to somet and walk in discipline, you just like to do wathever you want without any disciple, the fact that you still taking drugs with your "Friends" say a lot!! do you think that we don't release what you do? I am not judging, I am helping you!! how many day of visa do you have?

Anonymous said...

if you decided to quit this "Christianity stuff" its your bussines, you know the truth and at the end will be between you and God, I know that I will go to heaven, to bad if you don't want to go.

Anonymous said...

I am sorry to tell you this but I am in agreement with the other guys, sorry Aty but they are saying the truth.

Anonymous said...

Attila you know me! You have seen my love in practice. You know that no true love come anywhere else than from God himself. Jesus showed us on the cross what real love is. He did not give money or funds, He did not let all people out from the prison, but he died for our sins. He died for you Attila. Lift your eyes upon Jesus. Ask Him "What have you done for me Jesus?" The answere you´ll get from the bible is "I have forgiven your sins, I have healed your wounds, loosened all bindings, beaten the devil and conquered Hell." All for you Attila! Admit that you need Jesus. Confess that you have judging people yourself. Confess that without Jesus you´ll go straight to Hell.

People in Mexico can see the fruit of the Holy Spirit. They can see if you have dicipline, love, friendliness, selfcontrol, goodness, joy, peace... If they don´t see this, they get worried and wondering if you ever had the Holy Spirit in your life.

Attila you can be honest to me and in front of God. Is it true that you are taking drugs? Do christians take drugs? Did I use drugs? What does the bible say about alcohol and drugs?

We love you Aty and we are standing on our knees praying to God. We pray that you´d get filled by the Holy Spirit and that people in Mexico would see that fruit.

Take care!


Anonymous said...

Good morning Attila
I can see on your blog that there have been some pretty harsh comments ;-) You know that a good part of it is true. I know that besides all the wrong stuff you do, there are also good intentions and a great pontential. Ask the Lord to speak to you through these comments but more importantly through his word, the Bible. Where are you right, where are you wrong? Admit the things where you are wrong and God will forgive you. Allow God to guide you. Everybody has to do it that way. Me too.

Have a good day!


Radu said...

Nice to see u here my friend :)

Anonymous said...

Well, I know I’m not perfect, but I try to do my best and with the help of God I can be better and better, until he make me perfect, I can’t imagine God looking at us with a note book in one hand and taking notes of what we do wrong because he forgive us everything, the only "condition" is to change the attitude and try to not make more mistakes. And even we fall again he love us so much that he forgive us.

Like humans we are so closed and yes, we fall in traditions and we forgot sometimes to do what we have to do here, and many many times we just judge but we don’t do nothing, EVERY BODY IS LIKE THAT, is a human defect to see what is wrong with other people and we don’t see what’s wrong with us. Like that time when Jesus told them the parable of the donkey in the hole on Saturday, we are like that; sometimes we don’t see who really need us out on Sunday, because is tradition to go to church. If we stay with the people that need us one Sunday, and they see and feel the love of God in us, later that person could do the same for others.

In that time what Jesus was preaching was so crazy, but more crazy and admirable is to know HE WAS DOING WHAT HE PREACH and like a good lieder he always give the example.

Let’s do what He want, we are not perfect like him but we can try to love each other like He love us, stop to look our defects and start to look at the virtues in all of us because there is the love of God in all of us.

Is so easy just say it’s not doing this, it’s not doing that but... we have to think WHAT IM DOING? OTHER PEOPLE CAN SEE GOD THROUGT MY LIFE? Maybe if we think first like this there will be other story about believers.

God bless you all.
