Sunday, January 13, 2008

wonderfull Sunday

here is a very nice day...sunshine...I supose to go to church but the people from here say that is not aloud to go with I had 2 choices: take out the earring or dont go to I pray´d about and I feel´t that God does´t have anything against it...just the I was think that I could talk something about that we shot accepyt each other how we are because God accept us how we are...but I did not have the I stayed at the base...the people here they are a fraid to talk about God´s love...because thats what you need to accept and love everybody...later I find out that it was somebody with earring...whatever...I need that ypou prayb for me...I´m very confuzed...I dont know why Im here,If I cant talk about God´s love...

we were in some village and we play football...and I play also...very starnge,because the doctor say that it will be impossible to run because my foot...but after almost 6 months I run again! and I play football..that´s amazing...Im happy to see that for God nothing is we play football with some youth there and we will go again to do something else also...last night we were to the center with hot chocolate and it was very nice...I speak spanish again...I dont knoe from where I know ,but we understund each other...