Thursday, May 7, 2009


well I had been thinking and I get a conclusion...let me tell you something...after you make a Dts its not easy to put in practice the thinks that you learned there...everybody just discouraging you push you down and trying to make you believe that you can not do that and that its impossible...the most of the people do that...and if you don't put in practice what you learned than you just trow the money and waste your time...well I did this all my life but it has come to the end...I will never give up on God...I don't care who what say...yes I know that Im crazy nad I dont have that mutch discipline and all that normal stuff what most of the normal people have...but God know me how I am and thats why He choose me to be here where I am...just think about which normal person would be here where I am? in a little room no shower, no kitchen no washing machine and an area of 4`th world...maeby thats why people say that Im taking is a lot of drog addicts...there is a saying that you can know a person after what friends he have...and without a work and a support...yes I know that I did some stuff that people dont trust me because of it but Im not I dont know who would be that person because until now I dont see nobody just when missionares coming once a while...are people afraid? YES thay are...and those who say that go home they should be thankfull to God that He sent somebody do do His work where people are afraid to go...and Im sure that you ask what Im doing...right now Im trying to survive...and Im not just trying Im doing it...and dont think that Im trying to raise founds...I rarely ask money for my self and when I do I ask just for what I need in the the way please DONT send money in my account because my VISA ELECTRON is thats the conclusion what i get...I will never give up on God...