Wednesday, January 23, 2008

we were in the city and we had some program with street children,homeless sad its not so many people care about them...we were praying for them but I just have the filling that its not on off to just pray...we shut do something also but by my self its not so mutch that I can do...some people go there,spend some time with them,pray for them,once per week,and they go home and forgot about them,and they are still in the streets,and the problem is that they take some drogs even if is some day centre,they not accept nobody there who use its very difficult for them...Im very sad about it...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yes, it´s a big problem. As a christian you feel sad, because you know that Jesus would help them. You can do like Peter, Jacob and John did. They didn´t either have anything to give to the people, but they gave what they had: Healed people, Forgive their sins, Preached about the Kingdom, Prayed for them.
You don´t have bread Attila, but you have a word from God. Preach it!